[ubuntu-uk] problem with Radeon driver and screen resolution

David King linuxman at avoura.com
Tue Sep 25 19:43:01 UTC 2012

Thanks, it worked for me. So much better without that logo ruining the 

David K

On 25/09/12 19:10, A wrote:
> Glad it worked out, but i can do one better - how to get rid of that 
> watermark. The solution's plastered all over the internet, but this 
> looks less intimidating than some of the other sites:
> http://www.ubunturoot.com/2012/07/remove-amdati-drivers-testing-only.html
> As for me, I'm on ubuntu 12.10 waiting for the next fglrx legacy 
> release compatible with X 1.13 (i could downgrade but 1.13 feels 
> deliciously fluid.) The current fglrx in the repos can't be installed 
> because there's a dependency error on xserver-input-api 11, 12 or 13 
> (IIRC). The opensource radeon driver's not terrible for my Mobility 
> 4200 HD card (it looks great actually), but the power options do next 
> to nothing compared to the proprietary driver when my laptop's not 
> idle. Idle i get 52 degrees, but it likes to accrue up to 71 ish if 
> i'm watching a fullscreen video or playing minecraft whereas past 
> fglrxs stick the temp happily around 58, even under pressure.
> For now, it's time to play the waiting game :(
> On 25/09/12 17:54, David King wrote:
>> On 21/09/12 02:41, A wrote:
>>> Hi, David. I've had similar issues to you before and i'd suggest you 
>>> install the proprietary drivers (fglrx) (it automatically blacklists 
>>> the radeon driver to avoid conflicts) and then do the following 
>>> command (sudo aticonfig --initial) before you restart, because this 
>>> command will generate a fresh xorg.conf file which will make the 
>>> fglrx module responsible for the screen. If that works, you can then 
>>> edit the xorg.conf and change the resolution to something higher etc 
>>> At any rate, it should list available resolutions.
>>> I hope this works for you if you haven't solved your problem already :)
>>> 4. Install the driver with
>>> sudo apt-get install fglrx fglrx-amdcccle
>>> 5. Generate a fresh xorg.conf BEFORE REBOOTING!
>>> sudo aticonfig --initial
>> Thanks for the info, A. I tried what you suggested and it worked. 
>> Although I now have a logo on the bottom right of the screen which 
>> says "AMD Unsupported hardware" which I would like to get rid of.
>> On the plus side, I can attach my HD TV and use that at its full 
>> resolution and have my smaller monitor at a suitable resolution for it.
>> I also found that I could not run the AMD Catalyst Control Center as 
>> root from the menu, I had to do it from CLI:
>> sudo amdcccle
>> At least it all works now and when I upgrade my monitor to the same 
>> size as my TV I will use both at 1920 x 1080.
>> David K

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