[ubuntu-uk] Poor performance with Ubuntu on my laptop

Gareth France gareth.france at gmail.com
Thu Oct 4 17:03:47 UTC 2012

On 04/10/12 16:49, Tony Pursell wrote:
> Hi Gareth
> You don't say how long ago you bought it or exactly how you bought it, 
> but you may be able to cancel your order and return it under distance 
> selling regulations, see
> http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/england/consumer_e/does_the_distance_sale_cooling-off_period_apply_to_you.htm
> Even if you cannot take advantage of this, it is worth others noting 
> that you can get this right to return something you just don't like 
> provided you decide quickly enough
> Tony
It's damaged now and everything on the drive is just where I want it. 
I'm stuck with it. But I'm sure it should and can run better than this.

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