[ubuntu-uk] Upgrade from 6.06LTS!

Alan Bell alan.bell at libertus.co.uk
Tue Nov 27 16:30:58 UTC 2012

On 27/11/12 15:49, Liam Proven wrote:
> FWIW, I think it is foolish and even suicidal of VMware to depend upon 
> Windows for management, but what can you do... 
you can use KVM, it works great on the server side and there is a nice 
GUI client for the Linux desktop that allows you to see what your VMs 
are doing and double click to open a VNC over SSH session to see the 
console of your VM. For a server that is always supposed to perform 
exactly one function then I wouldn't bother with virtualisation (more to 
fail, slightly slower startup time, no particular benefit)


Libertus Solutions

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