[ubuntu-uk] creating a wireless bridge

Matt Wheeler m at funkyhat.org
Sat Nov 24 14:33:34 UTC 2012

On 24 November 2012 14:22, javadayaz <javadayaz at gmail.com> wrote:
> I was thinking of connecting the surplus wifi router wireless to my hub and
> then connect to a xbox 360.

I assume you mean you want to connect the two routers together wirelessly

> I saw some tutorial in win7 to create a bridge but id rather run it in
> ubuntu.

Beyond any initial setup I don't see how this involves either Win7 or
Ubuntu, as you're talking about two wireless routers and an xbox...

> I hope this make sense..so can anyone suggest something that will help me
> here?

Really it depends on whether your router has built in support for any
wireless bridging mode, or failing that whether it is supported by
some after-market firmware which can do this for you, for example

http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/clientmode is openwrt's page on
bridging if you can install that.

http://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/start is openwrt's list of supported
devices. There are other options like Tomato
(http://www.polarcloud.com/tomato) although I'm not sure whether they
support bridging in any form...

Matt Wheeler
m at funkyHat.org

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