[ubuntu-uk] meeting in 2 hours folks

Alan Bell alanbell at ubuntu.com
Wed Nov 14 18:00:27 UTC 2012

On 08/11/12 14:17, Alan Bell wrote:
> "To talk of many things:
> of shoes and ships and Christmas parties and installfests and the 
> suchlike"
> as the poem goes, more or less.
> We have not really had a team meeting as such for the UK Local 
> Community Team (that is you that is) for some time, and it is 
> approaching Christmas, we have had UDS-R, we have CDs delivered to 
> distribute how we like and generally I think we have stuff to discuss.
> for those who have not participated in Ubuntu meetings before, it is 
> quite simple, the agenda is here:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeamMeetingAgenda
> and is on the wiki so you are more than welcome to edit it and add 
> stuff you want to discuss.
> The meeting itself is online on IRC, you can connect using xchat or 
> various other IRC clients that are in the repositories, or with a web 
> browser at this link
> http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#ubuntu-uk-meeting
> things I thinkwe need to discuss so far are:
> Christmas Party/meetup
> Installfest/Nexus 7 Flashparty
> CD Distribution
> The Next Happy Hour(s)
> the meeting will be next Wednesday 14th at 20:00
> Alan.

I work at http://libertus.co.uk

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