[ubuntu-uk] Proposal for discussion

Dave Walker davewalker at ubuntu.com
Mon Nov 12 12:07:56 UTC 2012

On 12 November 2012 11:55, Alan Pope <alan.pope at canonical.com> wrote:
> I have added an item for discussion at the next Ubuntu UK meeting. I'm
> mailing the list so everyone is aware of the proposal and can have their 2p
> heard if they won't be at the meeting. I have proposed we reduce the number
> of online resources / services we provide for the team. This includes, but
> is not limited to:-
> * Ubuntu UK Planet - http://planet.ubuntu-uk.org/
> * Ubuntu UK Etherpad - http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/
> * Wordpress blog http://ubuntu-uk.org/
> I propose we have a simple nicely Ubuntu themed but static home page which
> links to resources we actually use and projects we work on as part of the
> team:-
> * This mailing list
> * IRC channel
> * LoCo Directory (for events)
> * Podcast
> * .. anything I missed?
> Discuss.
> Cheers,

Hi Alan,

I agree with this.. I don't think planet.ubuntu-uk.org still adds any
value.  There is very little content on there that isn't also on
planet.ubuntu.com.  This coupled with greater outside tools such as
google plus, has really made it an uninteresting place IMO.

I don't really visit ubuntu-uk.org regularly, I also have no comments.

http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/ was only really taken online, as there
wasn't a project wide etherpad.  As pad.ubuntu.com has been around a
while now, I'll help add support to this.. by declaring it deprecated
and taken offline in ~14 days :)


Kind Regards,
Dave Walker

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