[ubuntu-uk] Skype Log on Ubuntu

Abduljaber Abdulqader a.abdulqader at hotmail.co.uk
Thu Nov 1 08:33:14 UTC 2012

Matt Thanks for this.


When i try to run the file from the terminal i get a
segmentation error message.


Any idea why?


Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2012 00:47:42 +0100
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] Skype Log on Ubuntu
From: matt.sturdy at gmail.com
To: a.abdulqader at hotmail.co.uk

On 31 October 2012 23:19, Abduljaber Abdulqader <a.abdulqader at hotmail.co.uk> wrote:

In [3]:     for call in skype.Calls():
   ...:           if call.RateValue == 0.0:   # check it was free
   ...:       when = call.Datetime

IndentationError: expected an indented block (<ipython console>, line 4)

it's a just copy paste error, python expects certain sections of code to be indented by a particular number of tabs (or spaces).  I have attached the script here, open it in gedit, or ipython, or simply open a terminal and type "python skype-info.py" from the directory where the script was downloaded.

Please address your future questions to the whole list.

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