[ubuntu-uk] OT: Shell accounts

Alan Pope alan.pope at canonical.com
Wed Jul 25 09:39:35 UTC 2012

On 25/07/12 09:37, Sean Miller wrote:
> On 25 July 2012 09:33, Alan Pope <alan.pope at canonical.com> wrote:
>>> I was wondering if anybody on the list can recommend any hosted shell
>>> accounts?
>> I have used sdf in the past.
> Don't quite understand why somebody would want a hosted shell account,
> especially a Linux user.

"in the past" meaning "before I ran Linux on every machine I own. :)

> Surely shell comes "for free" as part of the OS?

It's also useful for an always-on shell for maybe running an irc client 
on or making a few files available via http if you don't have some web 
space/vps/home broadband.

I did use it as a backup when I had problems with my VPS in the past, 
but that rarely happens now.

Alan Pope
Engineering Manager

Canonical - Product Strategy
+44 (0) 7973 620 164
alan.pope at canonical.com

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