[ubuntu-uk] mbr

Andy Smith andy at bitfolk.com
Sat Jan 28 20:31:24 UTC 2012

Hi Paul,

On Sat, Jan 28, 2012 at 08:16:19PM +0000, paul sutton wrote:
> On 28/01/12 18:40, scoundrel50a wrote:
> > What is so wrong about wanting to be able to securely wipe an
> > hdd.........and why do people feel the need to be so condescending
> > when somebody asks about it.......trying to make the person asking
> > look guilty......funny thing, you seem to know how to do it, even with
> > the attitude......
> >
> Agreed as in some cases you HAVE to ensure date can't be recovered.   Or
> you may simply want to start over and re-install the system,  so a fully
> blank hdd,  can rule out any problems that may occur later on. 

In what way is a disk that has had 0 written over it entirely not a
"fully blank hdd"?


http://bitfolk.com/ -- No-nonsense VPS hosting

<taras> i've had the same watch for 15 years now. MAN AND BOY
<taras> tbh Thomas the Tank Engine never dates
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