[ubuntu-uk] Shut down button missing on upgrade

James Tait james.tait at wyrddreams.org
Thu Jan 5 14:51:49 UTC 2012

On 05/01/12 12:55, scoundrel50a wrote:
> Funny thing though, as I was trying along all the top panel to
> left/right click, I took the curser right to the right edge of the
> window, and right clicked, by accident, and low and behold, the drop
> down menu appeared.....how do I get it to show......

Right, I probably know what this is then.  Same thing happened to me 
recently, albeit on Precise.  That menu there is called the Session 
Indicator, and is presented by indicator-session-service (ps -efw | grep 
indicator-session-service should show it).  But it only appears for 
gnome-settings-daemon is running (ps -efw | grep gnome-settings-daemon 
probably won't show that in this case).

Alt-F2 and enter gnome-settings-daemon in the text field and the menu 
should magically appear.  Incidentally, have you also noticed problems 
with your theme?  When it happened to me all my icons, buttons, etc. 
reverted to stock GTK+ ones.

James Tait, BSc                        |    xmpp:jayteeuk at wyrddreams.org
Programmer and Free Software advocate  |        Tel: +44 (0)870 490 2407

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