[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Global Jam and other Events

Alan Pope alan.pope at canonical.com
Fri Aug 17 10:45:32 UTC 2012

On 16/08/12 22:41, Alan Bell wrote:
> 6th-9th September
> Ubuntu Global Jam
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam This is a few days set aside for
> activities to improve Ubuntu, we have done a variety of online
> activities in the past and I think that might work well again this time,
> possibly using Google Hangouts to get together and do some testing of
> the new Quantal release or other activities suggested on the wiki page,
> please reply with suggestions of things you would like to do for this
> and we will try and make it happen. I think I will be a bit busy working
> at the Paralympics when this is happening but I would love to see the UK
> contributing bugs and fixes and such to Quantal as part of the Global Jam.

Am in talks to see if we can get some space in the new Canonical office 
in London for this.

> December sometime
> Christmas event! What should we do this year, last year was a
> fascinating but rather pricey meal served in pitch darkness at Dans Le
> Noir. What would you like to do this year? Classy meal?/Night at a
> show?/Pie and a Pint?/Coffee and mince pies at Starbucks?/Group visit to
> Bletchley Park?/something else? let me know your thoughts and I will see
> what can be sorted out.

Pie & Pint IMO.

Alan Pope
Engineering Manager

Canonical - Product Strategy
+44 (0) 7973 620 164
alan.pope at canonical.com

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