[ubuntu-uk] What should be done for 12.04

Bruno Girin brunogirin at gmail.com
Mon Sep 26 19:21:23 UTC 2011

On 26/09/11 13:48, Alan Pope wrote:
> Now we're perilously close to releasing 11.10 onto the world, it's
> been asked [0] what things the developers would like to see the focus
> on for the 12.04 (Long Term Support) release.
> Personally I would like all core applications to support proxy servers
> properly. Especially as it's an LTS release which is arguably
> well-suited to corporate users who are those most often behind proxy
> servers. (ubuntu one file sync being something that doesn't work
> behind proxies)
> I wondered what you lot might desire for 12.04?
> Cheers,
> Al.
> [0] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2011-September/012901.html
In perceived order of reasonable-ness:
  * Stability, accessibility, performance and usability improvements;
  * A photo/video lens that integrates with Shotwell for the local 
library and with Flickr, YouTube, etc;
  * The book lens [1];
  * A bookmark lens that integrates the Firefox or Chromium bookmarks 
with services like Delicious;
  * Fully colour-managed desktop (the basics are there in 11.10 as far 
as I can tell);
  * Video support in Empathy;
  * SOHO server as discussed elsewhere (although I would expect that to 
take several iterations);
  * World peace.



[1] http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/09/24/unity-lenses-and-books/

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