[ubuntu-uk] Open Source VOIP

alan c aeclist at candt.waitrose.com
Tue Oct 25 12:16:55 UTC 2011

On 25/10/11 09:40, Barry Drake wrote:
> On 18/10/11 14:42, Tim Dobson wrote:
>> I used to work for a gradwell reseller and they definitely have an 
>> unlimited UK landlines package. Call them up, speak to a salesdroid 
>> and get him to sort you out... ideally get him to mail you some 
>> options. :) 
> I'm coming back on a now somewhat extinct thread because the original 
> posting inspired me to do some research.
> Truphone seems to offer an excellent service and I've never met a more 
> helpful e-mail support service.  But the dedicated Java-based client 
> failed to work for me under Ubuntu.  Truphone will not reveal SIP 
> settings, so you are stuck with their proprietary apps.
> VoipALot - http://www.voipalot.com seems to have great possibilities but 
> as I couldn't find a way of testing before putting $10 on the account, I 
> gave up with that one.
> VoipStunt - http://www.voipstunt.com/en/ looks even better and offers 
> free testing.  But I have not managed to get it to allow me to sign up.  
> I'd love to know how you did it if anyone gets it to work!
> CallCentric - http://www.callcentric.com/ Works OK for me.  It gives 
> free testing, and a variety of different tariff options including a PAYG 
> arrangement which suits me.  The PAYG accepts topups of as little as $5 
> so it doesn't cost the earth to check it out.  It also automatically 
> gives you a free +1 777 number which becomes your username.  Call rates 
> seem on a par with Skype - or maybe a bit higher.  As SipGate and 
> Gradwell don't offer PAYG, I haven't really looked at them.  It's horses 
> for courses.
> SoftPhones: I tried and failed with Ekiga.  ZoiPer is recommended by 
> CallCentric and worked well when I installed it, but it crashed and 
> burned after a while, and unless I re-install, I can't use it.  As it 
> seems to be deprecated in recent Ubuntu releases, I gave up on it.  
> Twinkle works tolerably well.
> Any further thoughts/suggestions are welcome.  Currently I use Skype 
> when I'm out of the country, but I'd like to have a backup, and 
> CallCentric sounds promising.  And the US phone-number is kinda cool.


Secure video calls, conferencing, chat, desktop sharing, file
transfer, support for your favorite OS, and IM network. All this, and
more, in Jitsi - the most complete and advanced open source communicator.

(not sure if 'open source' here means libre ? )

I have not had  time to try it, it has had lots of updates

alan cocks
Ubuntu user

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