[ubuntu-uk] Recovery with live CD

David Jones djones.dancol at googlemail.com
Wed Oct 19 09:28:25 UTC 2011

On 10/19/2011 10:20 AM, Barry Drake wrote:
> On 19/10/11 09:29, ** wrote:
>> I can boot with a live cd (it happens to be Mint because it's all I 
>> have immediately available) on a USB stick and of course I am having 
>> trouble with file permissions trying to save my /home directory. 
>> Unfortunately when I try "sudo nautilus" however my hard disk is not 
>> even visible (and I get a permission denied message) although it is 
>> visible without the sudo but without the necessary permissions.
> I remember somebody saying it's dangerous to do sudo nautilus, but OK 
> to do gksudo nautilus. Can't remember why.
> Regards, Barry.
> -- Barry Drake is a member of the the Ubuntu Advertising team. 
> http://ubuntuadverts.org/
Barry, the rational behind using gksudo and not sudo is explained here 

Hope that reminds you of the reasoning behind it.


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