[ubuntu-uk] LO in 11.10 STILL CANNOT USE TBird addressbook as an address data source!!!!!!!!!

Juan J. Martínez reidrac at usebox.net
Tue Oct 18 17:02:54 UTC 2011

On Tue, 2011-10-18 at 17:43 +0100, Avi Greenbury wrote:
> Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:
> > What on EARTH is Canonical thinking about?
> > They replace Evolution with TBird (good!) but after installing Base 
> > there is STILL NO ability to use the TBIRD ADDRESS BOOK as an address 
> > data source!
> > 
> > This is absolutely INSANE!
> I forget, did you ever file a bug? 
> Either way, I'm not really sure what you're hoping to achieve by
> ranting about it on here. 

He's venting. You can't vent in a bug report, and the effect will be the
same: wait for 6 months for your fix!

I actually sympathize with him, I have suffered other Ubuntu
"regressions" myself (although I never sent a rant to a mailing list,
that's true).



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