[ubuntu-uk] Locked out of Ubuntu

Avi Greenbury lists at avi.co
Tue Oct 18 09:21:29 UTC 2011

Jon Reynolds wrote:

>  Funny think happened to me last night. I turned my computer on, as I 
>  always do, booted up Ubuntu, got to the log in screen, entered my 
>  password and it refused me! Said it failed to authenticate! Tried 
>  several times to ensure I was typing correctly, but no. It would not
> log me (or my wife) in.
>  So I booted into recovery, root terminal, and changed my password. 
>  Rebooted and it still won't let me log in! What could be going on?

Did passwd appear to succeed (i.e. exit zero)? Did /etc/shadow change?
Does your password appear as disabled in /etc/shadow?


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