[ubuntu-uk] synaptic screwed up

paul sutton zleap at zleap.net
Sat Oct 1 08:02:36 UTC 2011


A few weeks ago I got some help fixing synaptic after attempting to
install drivers for a brother printer.

Lpr driver and cups wrapper driver,

since then it I have had to get a new printer and the same thing has
happened again

I downloaded the drivers for the MFC J615 from here


and installed using gdebi as trying to open with synaptic results in the
following message


Starting without administrative privileges

You will not be able to apply any changes. However, you can still export
the marked changes or create a download script for them.


Anyway trying to install just the cups wrapper I get told to install the
lpr driver, which goes fine, it then allows me to install the cups
wrapper driver (this contains the ppd file)

I am now being told there is a missing driver for the printer

programs like dpkg and synaptic are now telling me


The package 'mfcj615wlpr' is in an inconsistent state and needs to be
reinstalled, but no archive can be found for it. Please reinstall the
package manually or remove it from the system.

-- it seems stuck in a loop of errors.

last time this happened I Had to type loads of stuff in and edit some
file called lprng,

I can't remember all the steps,  I have some saved in my bash history,
but not the editing files part, 

Can anyone help or go through this with me on IRC please



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