[ubuntu-uk] Lack of support for small business

Alan Bell alan.bell at libertus.co.uk
Fri Nov 18 23:55:52 UTC 2011

On 18/11/11 23:44, Gareth France wrote:
> I'm not looking for a loan, I need to be able to process credit cards, 
> if you go to a computer fair do you go with £500 in your pocket to buy 
> a pc with? Or do you take your card? To get the card processing I need 
> a business account.
> No overdraft
> No loan
> No risk

You might have more luck with the paypal virtual terminal thing, getting 
a terminal machine from a bank is *hard* for anything that isn't a 
bricks and mortar shop. It was no trouble for us to set up a bank 
account, but our business is software consultancy rather than selling 
computers. We had a nice long chat with the bank manager about the 
opportunity in the open source software (then he swapped over our 
passports and gave them back, which caused an interesting incident at 
Heathrow a couple of days later. . .)


Libertus Solutions http://libertus.co.uk

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