[ubuntu-uk] Race Online 2012 PCs shocker! timeline?

alan c aeclist at candt.waitrose.com
Thu May 19 16:23:00 UTC 2011

On 19/05/11 10:21, Avi Greenbury wrote:
> Alan Bell wrote:
>>  Just call it Ubuntu, problem solved.
> Ah, that was supposed to be the bulk of my point, but I apparently
> completely forgot to mention it...
> I should really put something in place that stops me sending out emails
> in the middle of the night.

You've spoiled it now! It was shaping up to be a great debate, ending 
with 'Ubuntu'!

I, too, strongly favour declaring I use 'Ubuntu'. In fact when 
introducing an Ubuntu discussion to a small PC shop in farthest outer 
Lincolnshire, he soon said.
'Oh! Linux us only for techies!'

My response without a blink, was
'I am *not* talking about Linux, I am using UBUNTU!'
To his credit there was a slight pause and I could see the new 

The Ubuntu 'brand' is one of the the best things that has emerged, an 
dUbuntu is defined as an 'Operating System', which makes it very easy 
to lose the 'L' word which the opposition use with such surreptitious 

alan cocks
Ubuntu user

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