[ubuntu-uk] Strange file sharing problem

John MM scoundrel50a at gmail.com
Thu Mar 3 21:17:00 UTC 2011

On 03/03/11 19:57, Simon Greenwood wrote:
> No, that's OK at the moment. /var/lib/samba/usershares should contain 
> files with the names of shares on your machine. These files should be 
> owned by you. If they aren't, from terminal, type 'sudo chown 
> <username>:<username> /var/lib/usershares/<sharename>'.
> You should have something like this:
> ls -l /var/lib/samba
> drwxrwx--T  2 root sambashare  4096 2011-02-09 20:30 usershares
> ls -l /var/lib/samba/usershares
> -rw-r--r-- 1 simong simong 78 2011-02-09 20:30 music
> s/

Well, got rid of the error 255, but still cant see the directories from 
the other computer, so something is still stopping the network.
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