[ubuntu-uk] upgrade from 9.10 to 11.04

Barry Drake bdrake at crosswire.org
Mon Jun 27 16:04:20 UTC 2011

On Mon, 2011-06-27 at 15:07 +0100, Norman Silverstone wrote:
> I have just completed the three stage upgrade process and now have
> Ubuntu 11.04 in all its glory except that it appears that my desktop
> will not run the latest layout and I am stuck with GNOME. Furthermore,
> the icon for adjusting the volume of the sound is no longer there on the
> top panel. I would like to try out the new replacement for GNOME and
> also get the sound icon back and would be very grateful for any useful
> advice. Thanks

You might be interested to know that the testing version of Oneiric
(11.10) now implements the 2d version of the Unity desktop, and will run
on computers that cannot support Unity on 11.04.  It is not finished,
and may be a bit buggy, but it seems to work OK.

Regards,		Barry.
Barry Drake is a member of the the Ubuntu Advertising team.

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