[ubuntu-uk] Dad's Computer - for want of a better subject

Jon Reynolds maillist at jcrdevelopments.com
Wed Jun 22 07:56:17 UTC 2011

 I have to follow up on my Dad's computer situation. I previously posted 
 about how he bought MS Office rather than use OpenOffice etc.

 Well his computer then crashed again. He took it to the local shop (a 
 small outfit, which is nice and a bit personal) who eventually diagnosed 
 a faulty motherboard. They offered to rebuild the computer with some 
 spares from another computer.

 Anyway, when it returned, it had Vista on it! I am just wondering the 

 1. Why on Earth did they choose to put Vista on there??

 2. If the machine was struggling with XP, why put something more 
 demanding on there?? (and if they argue the new bits are more powerful, 
 then why then cripple them again with something more demanding?)

 3. Wouldn't he have needed to buy a new license for Vista or would his 
 existing XP license cover him (I somehow doubt it)?

 4. If they charge him for a license, they certainly didn't ask him if 
 he wanted Vista!

 I find this amazing. Suddenly my opinion of these guys has dropped. 
 Shame as they are nice and helpful by the sounds of it, coming out to 
 his house to help.


 Jon Reynolds (j0nr)

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