[ubuntu-uk] 30 test drive of Ubuntu: PC world

Paul Sutton zleap at zleap.net
Sun Jul 3 10:27:22 UTC 2011

On 03/07/11 10:51, Bruno Girin wrote:
>> Has anybody else been following this series? What are your thoughts?
> I've been reading some of it. I think he makes a number of a good points
> but he also has the tendency to assume things will be complicated and
> therefore goes for the complicated option first. The way he initially
> installed WINE or the way he manually created a separate partition under
> Windows in order to install Ubuntu side by side is another.
> It may be worth promoting the software centre more and position it as
> being similar to an 'app store'. Linux users have been used to this for
> ages so don't think about it anymore but for the larger population the
> concept of the app store is new and they don't expect a desktop OS to
> behave that way.
> Bruno

hmm, good idea perhaps when people click on synaptic it could come up
with a dialogue box explaining software centre and suggest using that to
install packages instead,

This should be one time only non intrusive and perhaps have a click box
saying do not display again.

I don't want ubuntu to end up like windows with endless boxes popping up
but we can help people a little and be less intrusive in the process.

just a thought,



Paul Sutton Cert SLPS (Open)

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