[ubuntu-uk] Icon-sized front pages of pdfs

Rowan Berkeley rowan.berkeley at gmail.com
Thu Jan 27 12:32:41 UTC 2011

On Thu, 27 Jan 2011 11:38:39 +0000, "Alan Lord (News)"
<alanslists at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 27/01/11 11:35, Paul Sladen wrote:
> >"Just takes a second" in the background is fine, as long as it does
> > not block your getting on with things.  If it is impeding your 
> > ability to click-ahead and get on with things, or pushing the 
> > computer's response time above the 100-millisecond time allowed by 
> > the GNOME HIG, then we should deal with that.
> The thumbnails are only generated once AFAICT. Look in your
> ~/.thumbnail directory ;-)
> Al 

That's an interesting point. In my case, I assume, they were being
collected from the pdfs themselves every time I opened the folders
concerned. Is there supposed to be a cache for such things, analogous to
the browser cache for images from web pages? I don't seem to have a
directory called .thumbnail in my file system (I ran a search for it).

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