[ubuntu-uk] LDAP server Invalid credentials

Byte Soup bytesoup at gmail.com
Thu Jan 20 11:04:34 UTC 2011

On 20 January 2011 10:41, Jacob Mansfield <cyberjacob at gmail.com> wrote:

> when I installed LDAP it didn't ask for anything, and running
> dpkg-reconfigure didn't ask for those anyay, like I said I followed
> the tutorial at
> http://www.zarafa.com/wiki/index.php/Zarafa_LDAP_cn_config_How_To the
> first to set it up as it is the only one I could find that doesn't say
> to edit /etc/ldap/slapd.conf

When you created the file db.ldif you used the same hashed password or did
you generate your own own one using  slappasswd?

And you used the "1234" password throughout previous steps as outlined in
the tutorial?

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