[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Printer test page

Jon Farmer jon at bctech.co.uk
Tue Jan 18 10:16:15 UTC 2011

On 18 January 2011 09:56, Paul Sladen <ubuntu at paul.sladen.org> wrote:
> Hello people,
> Ubuntu currently ships a printer test page, which looks something
> like this:
>  http://www.flickr.com/photos/nickj365/4125843224/
> and hundreds of thousands (millions...) of these get printed each year
> by people setting up their printer because the default action offered
> to the user to to print a test page after adding the printer.
> Virtually all of these sheets are only usable as scrap-paper
> afterwards and a lot probably go straight in the bin.  It's also
> currently not that attractive.
> Question is, could we do something more *useful* with these instead,
> that would allow them to have a meaningful secondary purpose.
> I thought of:

I use mine to make notes with

Jon Farmer
Tel 07795 118140

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