[ubuntu-uk] buying a laptop?

Sean Miller sean at seanmiller.net
Mon Jan 17 11:23:38 UTC 2011

On 17 January 2011 11:15, Andy Braben <andybraben at gmail.com> wrote:

> Advertising has certainly been missed which is expensive. And also who
> would buy these products? Members on this list might, but as most people
> know nothing different to Microsoft and even if they do, don't want it. It
> is not something that I would see as profitable.

Not quite sure I understand.

What I was saying was that if Linux Emporium, instead of sourcing all their
components individually and assembling them, could merely do a deal with
somebody like DSG (ie. PCWorld, Currys) and get the machines "whole" then
install a disc image on the hard drive and ship them out again as Ubuntu
machines would the price come down?

If so, why aren't they doing it?

And if not, why not?

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