[ubuntu-uk] Team Meeting minutes and expo plan

Yorvyk yorvik.ubunto at googlemail.com
Tue Jan 11 11:31:38 UTC 2011

On Tue, 11 Jan 2011 10:38:35 +0000
Alan Bell <alan.bell at theopenlearningcentre.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> minutes from the team meeting last night are in their usual place at 
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/LastMeeting
> The main matter arising is the http://www.opensourceexpo.co.uk/ and our 
> stand in the .org village at it.
> We have a bit of a plan and created a schedule for the two days
> http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/linuxexposchedule
> It would be great to see as many people as possible visiting the show or 
> helping on the stand if you have a bit more time available. We will be 
> demoing Maverick pretty much as it is on the CD, plus any demos of shiny 
> new stuff like Unity in Natty would be great - just make sure people 
> know which is shiny new preview stuff and which is released and on the 
> CD stuff.
> Anyone staffing the stand should equip themselves with a Maverick Tshirt 
> http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=731 or 
> http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=736 as 
> appropriate and we should have a nice new banner and tablecloth to use.
> We hope to go for beer/food somewhere after the show, so even if you 
> can't make it during the day if people want to join afterwards we will 
> try and arrange that.
Still trying to see if I can get to this, will know next week.  Some questions that occurred to me after the meeting.  What time will things be starting to get the stand set up etc.  How does one get in, I have normal visitor tickets for both days available to me, are there exhibitor passes.

Steve Cook (Yorvyk)


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