[ubuntu-uk] I hope this diaspora stuff really is that ..

Dave Restall - System Administrator,,, dave at restall.net
Mon Jan 3 09:44:02 UTC 2011


n short - go disperse yourselves from the list...

Please stop spamming the list with the diaspora stuff - reply directly
to the original poster instead of pointing out to the world what a bunch
of lemmings exist here if you are so diasporate.

>From askoxford.com :-

"Greek, from diaspeirein 'disperse', from dia 'across'+ speirein
'scatter'. The term originated in the Septuagint (Deuteronomy 28:25)
in the phrase esē diaspora en pasais basileias tēs gēs 'thou shalt
be a dispersion in all kingdoms of the earth'"


lists/ubuntu/uk/2011-01-03.tx                                  ubuntu-uk
| Dave Restall, Computer Nerd, Cyclist, Radio Amateur G4FCU, Bodger          |
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