[ubuntu-uk] Apt authentication issue

Jim Price d1version at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 22 13:56:46 UTC 2011

On 22/02/11 13:34, McGibbney, Lewis John wrote:
> Hi list,
> This is a problem which has been bothering me for some time I am
 > using 10.04 and have been experiencing the above problem. Every
 > time I navigate to a page on my browser I am prompted to
 > authenticate.

That sounds like an issue with a proxy server, and may not be related to 
the issue with apt. Do you have another machine available which works, 
on which you can check the proxy server settings?

> Every time I try to run updates I get the Apt issue
 > as above. I am connected to the network as Auto eth0 but I am not
 > sure whether I am actually connected to the network as oppose to
 > just the net.

If you can get through to the internet, your hardware network connection 
is working fine. If you can see any local servers or other machines, you 
have local networking set up OK - assuming there are some of course.

> Running 'sudo apt-get update' I get the following  from terminal
<snip> ...
> I think you get the idea.

I'm assuming sudo works ok for you on that machine.
I would try to select a new apt mirror. You didn't say if you were 
running a desktop or a server, but I'll assume desktop as you mentioned 
browsing from it. You could run System>Administration>Update Manager and 
in the settings select a different server (the University of Kent mirror 
service is big and fast from here) and see if that manages to update OK.

> I have been searching for solution on and off for a good while now,
 > therefore I realise that I need to get help from the mail list.
> Any help would be great.



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