[ubuntu-uk] Live usb question

Rob Beard rob at esdelle.co.uk
Sat Feb 19 16:14:26 UTC 2011

On 19/02/11 15:54, Barry Titterton wrote:
> I recently created a persistent live USB for the first time. It worked
> perfectly but there is one aspect of its behaviour that I do not
> understand:
> I used a 4Gb stick. After creating the stick in 10.10 using the built-in
> disk/USB creator, I added Restricted Extras as well as creating a couple
> of files to test that the persistence worked, which it did. However, at
> this point I ran Update Manager which downloaded and installed approx
> 210Mb of updates. Before the update I had 2.7Gb of free space, but after
> updating this had shrunk to only 1.5Gb. I thought that I had done
> something wrong so I formatted the stick and repeated the whole
> installation, but got exactly the same result.
> Can any of the members explain it? Is this normal behaviour for a live
> USB?
> Is there an easy way to get any of this space back, or should I avoid
> running Update Manager?
> Barry T

When you do updates it will cache the package files that it has 
downloaded.  If you run the command:

sudo apt-get clean

...from a terminal it will clear out the archive packages and hopefully 
free up some space :-)

You'll probably not notice it so much when you install to a hard drive 
as generally you'll have much more free space (unless you happen to be 
running on old kit with a smaller hard drive).


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