[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu UK Meet up April - Global Jam event - Weybridge

gazz pmgazz at gmx.co.uk
Tue Feb 8 15:16:23 UTC 2011

On Tue, 2011-02-08 at 14:46 +0000, laura at lczajkowski.com wrote:

> I've been thinking and pondering about meet ups over here, the majority
> seems to be focused on conferences and while that is great and is needed I
> miss the fun side of things!
> So I'm possibly being a bit selfish here but I thought we could meet up in
> early April and work on some Ubuntu bugs/documentation/translations or
> help folks with their machines, it also ties in with the Ubuntu Global Jam
> Weekend.
> The date I had in mind was Saturday April 2nd. Location:
> Sirius Corporation, Rivermead House  Hamm Moor Lane  Weybridge KT15 2SF
> There is no cost for the venue as my company have said I can use it for
> open source groups who want to meet up! time from 10am till 5ish, there is
> a pub at the end of the road so we can go for lunch, there are tables
> outside, so you can also bring along food and have a picnic if the weather
> is good.
> I've created the event in the LoCo Directory (LD), if anyone wants to run
> an event locally that weekend also FIRE AHEAD! Just ask someone to add it
> to the LD! The more events the better!
> Laura

Sounds great, sorry Weybridge is a bit far out for me. 

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