[ubuntu-uk] PDFs in LibreOffice on 11.10
boosys at gmail.com
Sat Dec 10 19:14:09 UTC 2011
On Sat, 2011-12-10 at 17:15 +0000, Tony Pursell wrote:
> On 10 December 2011 12:06, Barry Titterton
> <barry.titterton at mail.adsl4less.com> wrote:
> I am unable to open or import PDF files in LibreOffice on
> 11.10. Can
> someone else with 11.10 please tell me if they have the same
> problem?
> Hi Barry
> As far as I know LibreOffice does not import PDFs, although I did try
> an extension for OpenOffice.org that would import PDFs into Draw, but
> it was a rather poor result.
> If you can tell me how you are trying to do this in LO or how it
> worked in 11.04 (ie what part of LO, what commands you use, etc), I
> might be able to help you. However the best way of getting PDFs into
> LO or OOo that I know off is a package called OCRFeeder. This can
> load a PDF, 'scan' it using OCR technology, then output in .odt
> format. Between scanning and output you can clean the file up, delete
> unwanted parts, etc. It is in the Software Centre. Why not download
> it and give it a try.
> Tony
I have "Universe" enabled in both 10.04 and 11.10.... neither,
worryingly, offer OCRFeeder. Which repository should should Barry [&
I] be looking at for OCRFeeder?]
Bill B. [SuperEngineer]
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