[ubuntu-uk] s3sync Stopped Working After Reboot

Jon Reynolds maillist at jcrdevelopments.com
Thu Aug 25 14:19:17 UTC 2011

 Well it now seems that after this reboot (which was just to expand some 
 disk space) my VPS time is all fubar.

 I set the time/date with nptdate <time/datestring>

 Then repeatedly hitting date <return> date <return> shows the date 
 escallating rapidly, something like an hour per second and the date 
 shifts wildly.

 I have fed all this back to my VPS supplier and their answer is to 
 install an official Ubuntu kernel!

 I don't understand why all of a sudden I have to do this. My VPS has 
 been working fine without this problem until now.

 Surely I shouldn't have to install a kernel myself?


 Jon Reynolds (j0nr)

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