[ubuntu-uk] team meeting in 5 minutes or so

Alan Bell alanbell at ubuntu.com
Tue Aug 9 22:43:06 UTC 2011

On 09/08/11 20:54, Alan Bell wrote:
> in #ubuntu-uk-meeting on freenode
> basically discussing the reapproval application of the UK team, we 
> have to prove our awesomeness so Canonical continue to give us lovely 
> goodies.
> http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntu-uk-meeting
> see you shortly . . .
> Alan.
here are the minutes
and also the last one I forgot to circulate

in summary, we are looking forward to OggCamp this weekend, the 
reapproval application needs some work, the reapproval deadline is next 
Tuesday so we had best get on with it, and finally we are going to 
launch a regular Ubuntu UK happy hour on a monthly basis in a different 
pub each month bouncing about the country.


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