[ubuntu-uk] Streaming Audio - Cross-Platform

Philip Stubbs philip at stuphi.co.uk
Tue Sep 21 10:25:28 BST 2010

On 20 September 2010 23:12, Grant Sewell <dcglug at thymox.co.uk> wrote:
> Pulse Audio to the rescue!
> http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/DownloadPulseAudio#Binaries
> http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/FAQ#HowdoIusePulseAudiooverthenetwork
> Please bear in mind that I have never done this, nor even tried it.
> Grant.

Wow. This is an answer to a question I have not even asked yet! :-)

I have two computers in the same room on the same network. One is
connected to a stereo and therefore has sound. the other does not. I
have been thinking for some time there must be a way to share the
sound card from one PC to he other in similar way that I can share the
Printer. Reading through that FAQ seems to indicate that it is

Philip Stubbs

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