[ubuntu-uk] Samba Shares

pmgazz pmgazz at gmx.co.uk
Mon Sep 6 14:45:04 BST 2010

I couldn't get the tool to work either, I haven't experimented with 
Meercat yet, I installed 4 on a Lucid installation - finally, I copied 
over my old manually-typed smb.conf and it sorta worked OK ;)  Gotta 
say, my brush with it inspired me with trepidation but I'm sure it'll 
get sorted out anon.

I found FreeNAS annoying - I don't know FreeBSD and so I could get an 
Ubuntu file server set up in a fraction of the time - and it's 
relatively hellish getting it running properly on motley hardware too.


On 06/09/10 12:53, Cornelius Mostert wrote:
>>>> try running sudo chmod 777 * on the directorys and files
>>> Arghhh - while it's entirely possible that this might resolve the issue, that's possibly the WORST thing you can do to resolve a permissions based issue!
>>> Please don't ever suggest chmod-ing full permissions to everyone - it's a fix that is likely to come back and bite at a later date!
>   I have played around on a test VM to see if I can get this working,
> It looks like if I use the Sysconfig-Samba tool (VERY basic) as the
> FIRST point of contact/setup then things do go better although I am
> still not getting it all 100% working...
>   I am now leaning to FreeNAS as a solution instead of struggling with
> Samba, I guess FreeNAS is also making use of Samba but hey they handle
> all the stuff in the back ground. I will keep you up to date to let
> you know what solution finally worked for me and if I can find any
> specifics on why MY Samba setup does not work.
>   Thanx
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