[ubuntu-uk] Vote Results!

Alan Bell alan.bell at theopenlearningcentre.com
Thu Sep 2 22:05:26 BST 2010

On 02/09/10 21:48, David King wrote:
> To all those who are not happy with results, remember that we all had a 
> chance to vote. Although the design I voted for did not win, I am happy 
> that I was given a chance to vote. Companies like Microsoft are not 
> likely to do something like this. But in the free software community we 
> can all have a say, and those who put in more will get more out of it. 
> Those who submitted designs are probably happy that their design had 
> some votes, even if it did not win.
> And as Alan Lord wrote, we had 2 weeks to submit ideas for designs. I 
> think that there was quite a good choice of designs to choose from, they 
> all looked professional and of a suitable standard.
> And because we could all contribute in some way, either by making a 
> design, or voting, we are all winners here. We contributed to something 
> worthwhile. Most large software companies do not bother to ask people 
> for their ideas or votes, they just create stuff and hope people will 
> buy/use it.
> So I will finish by thanking those who organised this and for giving us 
> a vote. And remember, the most popular design was chosen.
> David King
Thanks very much David,

we have been working on this for a while, more than two weeks, in fact
the first concept was put up on the second of July just after the font
first became officially available to ubuntu members.
http://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/uuk/logoconcept.png this first design
did in fact have capital UK, but scaled down to the height of the ubuntu
lower case letters. I kind of liked that as a subtle design trick, it
takes a couple of glances to work out what is going on. It has been
knocked about on the IRC channel several times and was discussed on the
mailing list and in several meetings:
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/MeetingNotes/20100707#MichealH - Update
on Website
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/MeetingNotes/20100804#AlanBell &
[[Micheal_Harker|MichealH]]: update on Maverick installfests
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/MeetingNotes/20100819#theopensourcerer -
review of action items from last meeting

and as a result of these extensive discussions it evolved to the set of
designs we ended up voting on, some with upper case UK (my favourites)
and some with lower case uk (I can live with it). Some were drawn by me,
some I tweaked based on suggestions received on the mailing list, some
were drawn by other people, this was a totally open process.

We had the vote, the preferred design direction was established and I
have submitted it for trademark approval.


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