[ubuntu-uk] The new Ubuntu-UK website

Alan Bell alanbell at ubuntu.com
Mon Oct 18 17:03:04 BST 2010

  On 18/10/10 16:51, Tony Scott wrote:
> Alan
> Yes you're right -  there are in fact Ubuntu/Canonical web design guidelines in
> the pdf linked from here
> http://design.canonical.com/the-toolkit/guides-for-websites/
> I would use the page header top level nav detailed in the pdf - so it's similar
> to
> http://www.ubuntu.com/
> http://design.canonical.com/
> You can then put links to section such as blog, about, etc on the left hand side
> in the top level nav as in the above sites.
> If you're going to have a standard right hand column throughout the site I would
> put the podcast logo/link in there, as I think the podcast logo is too dominant
> on the beta.
> I could do some work on this, but I'm currently busy on other stuff.
> Cheers
>   --
> Tony Scott
> http://tonyscott.org.uk | http://twitter.com/tonys | http://uk.wordcamp.org
there are lots of design guidelines in the design team toolkit, some of 
them contradicting each other. I have read them all, plus some draft 
ones they asked me to review. Personally I like the Captain Jack Sparrow 
approach to the design toolkit. More of a guideline than an actual law 
as such. Arrrrrrr


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