[ubuntu-uk] Successful Ubuntu workshop at UCL

Rob Beard rob at esdelle.co.uk
Fri Oct 15 19:40:38 BST 2010

On 14/10/10 14:07, pmgazz wrote:
> On 13/10/10 23:35, Rob Beard wrote:
>> That's great to hear, after the discussion that has been going on today
>> on the list it's great to have some positive news.  I'd be interested to
>> have a read of the report.  I'd like to do some sort of Ubuntu workshop
>> down here in Devon (albeit on a much smaller scale probably due to lack
>> of space in the local venues), I'm sure a report will provide some
>> useful information.
>> Rob
> We do small sessions that go down very well with VCS orgs in London so
> if I can help in any way, let me know :)
> Paula

Thabks that would be ideal.  We're looking at the possibility of setting 
up a CIC here in the Torbay area (it's early days yet) so if you don't 
mind me dropping you an e-mail off list that would be great (so far 
we've done a bit of research on CIC's but it appears that to get funding 
we need to be established already, and to get established we'd need 
funding, especially since there are two of us who would potentially give 
up full time jobs to run a CIC).



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