[ubuntu-uk] Camera ?

mac ammonius.grammaticus at gmx.co.uk
Thu Nov 25 14:53:45 GMT 2010

On 25/11/2010 14:19, Ted Wager wrote:
> I am thinking of buying a Panasonic TZ8 digital camera
>   Could anyone tell me if this will mount in Linux ?

When you say 'mount' what do you mean?  In my experience, as a minimum, 
if a camera has a USB port, you can connect it to an Ubuntu machine with 
the SD card inside, and the camera will be mounted as an external drive.

Mostly they will mount and your photo-manager software (F-Spot, 
Shotwell, etc) will start up automatically, ready to import the files.

But you can always take the SD card out, and stick it in a card reader, 
where it will mount as an external mass storage device.

AFAIK, the TZ8 uses JPEG for image files (and MPEG? for video).  No 
problem with those formats.  (It doesn't shoot RAW files).

Should be fine.


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