[ubuntu-uk] New Linux website - Feedback? [was: ubuntu-uk Digest, Vol 67, Issue 28]

Jon Spriggs jon at sprig.gs
Thu Nov 18 17:32:06 GMT 2010

Actually, I was under the impression that the stack exchange software (which
drives stack overflow and askubuntu and others) is Free Software, albeit on
a Windows and C# platform.

Jon "The Nice Guy" Spriggs
Please excuse any top posting, typographical or gramatical errors and
brevity, as this message has been written on my mobile device

On 18 Nov 2010 16:30, "Alan Bell" <alan.bell at theopenlearningcentre.com>

On 18/11/10 16:16, Sean Miller wrote:
> I do not actually agree with this, for the record. I thin...
it stands for Libre meaning freedom as opposed to the other sort of free
which is means cheaper than cheap. That is the important meaning of
Free, just in English the two meanings are expressed with one word,
which is a bit unfortunate. The Liberty side of Free is what it is all
about and that is where you will find the real business value of the
software we are talking about. Personally I am not that fussed about
making a Free platform for proprietary software developers to develop
for. They can by all means do so if they want to, but it is their loss
if they don't. I don't want to actively discourage proprietary vendors
from targeting Ubuntu but I think the point in this instance is that
there are loads of Free as in Liberty projects that do web forum answer
tracking things and it might well be better to use one of them,
improving it where necessary and contributing back the improvements.

That said, askubuntu.com (proprietary platform that it is) seems to be
doing a pretty good job in this area.

Alan Bell
The Open Learning Centre

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