[ubuntu-uk] Is Ubuntu getting too bloated?

Paul Roach roachy at roachy.net
Sat May 29 10:51:43 BST 2010

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First of all, let me say this isn't a troll, but a genuine question
with regard to the direction of the project as someone who's been
on-and off using Ubuntu since Dapper...

I've used a fair few distros over the years and have enjoyed some more
than others.  I'm a big fan of Arch, for example, but just don't have
the time to devote to setting it up on different machines
regularly...I also love the Crunchbang project, which is truly awesome
for an astoundingly fast distro - my wife gets excellent performance
on it on her EEPC701 :) If you've not used it, check it out!

I also have quite a few servers running and these are split between
CentOS, Debian and Ubuntu.

The other day, I decided to rebuild one of my desktop machines, and
thought i'd see what was happening with Debian now (with a Desktop
environment), and was truly amazed - the boot times and responsiveness
were astounding compared to Lucid on the same hardware...it feels like
a new machine.  I've got to wonder whether all the social networking
intergration, etc are the right direction for the project if it
damages performance....should these things be optional and not
included in a virgin install from the start?

I do a lot of network analysis, and on my Lucid laptop I have to apply
a ton of filters in TCPDump or wireshark to avoid obfuscating results
- -it's phenominal how much network overhead is added as a result of
these extra features....even when they appear to not be running.
Seriously, try booting your machine and firing up wireshark and just
watch the erroneous traffic flying around!

How do other people feel about the growth of Ubuntu in terms of
network overhead and hardware use?

My other question is with regard to the forums.....as more users start
using Ubuntu, the forums see at lot more traffic, but every time i go
onto Ubuntu Forums, I have a massive facepalm at some of the advice
being offered on there, which to a new user looks like good advice...
and it's undoubtedly offered with good intentions.  Looking for
answers in Ubuntu now seems to present a mountain of white noise, and
not a lot of substance...

As I say, not trolling, but just interested in other peoples thoughts....

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