[ubuntu-uk] What to do if external hard drive isn't unmounted properly?

Rob Beard rob at esdelle.co.uk
Mon May 17 08:02:07 BST 2010

On 17/05/10 07:26, Rowan Berkeley wrote:
> Hi, people. This is a preventative question, since it hasn't happened
> yet. I have an external hard drive connected to my computer by USB.
> Unlike the computer it does not have battery power to fall back on if
> mains power is interrupted. I always unmount the hard drive by
> right-clicking on its desktop icon and selecting 'unmount' before
> powering down, otherwise when I next connect it it will be unable to
> mount properly. What I would like to know in advance is how to restore
> it to mountable condition if if this ever happens. Thanks.

Do you know what format the drive is in?


If you haven't formatted the drive since you got it (for instance if it 
was pre-formatted) then you might find it's NTFS or FAT32.


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