[ubuntu-uk] oggcamp / bar camp (torbay)

Jon Spriggs jon at spriggs.org.uk
Sat Mar 27 09:26:16 GMT 2010

A barcamp generally should have at least three rooms and one of them should
be enough to hold as many people as you have that are attending. As it tends
to be a fairly geeky set of people, you'll need to have sufficient bandwidth
for your attendees, including wifi coverage of the building. At the first
OggCamp, the wifi routers didn't have sufficient DHCP scope for all the
attendees, leading to many disconnections.

Consider also travel arrangements - some people will want to stay nearby,
while others will travel from far and wide to get there. Try to bear this in
mind - what are the travel links like? What hotel facilities are nearby?
Have you considered organising an "All-nighter"?

OggCamp is the name of a particular barcamp style event, but you might get
UUPC and Linux Outlaws to support you reusing the name.

I've known a few people that have organised barcamp events, feel free to
drop me a note off-list if you want me to pass your details on to them?

All the best, and I hope your event goes really well!

Jon "The Nice Guy" Spriggs LPIC-1 Certified
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On 26 Mar 2010 20:25, "Paul Sutton" <zleap at zleap.net> wrote:

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Just wondered what the venue requirements for ogg / bar camp would be as
the lighthouse in Paignton may be suitable.


looking at the site it can take about 700 people,  I can't see 700 +
people turning up to a geeky event really.

the venue does NOT sell alcohol as its mainly aimed at young people
under 18 but there are plenty of bars nearby if you are that much in
need of a drink,

if something like this is possible it would be really cool to bring
something like this in to Torbay.

Just wondered if this venue fits the bill,  they are getting an internet
cafe set up over the next few weeks running ubuntu,  so Mark is in to
free software stuff anyway. :)

just an idea.

- --
Paul Sutton

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