[ubuntu-uk] The IT Crowd

pmgazz pmgazz at gmx.co.uk
Tue Jun 29 11:47:24 BST 2010

I thought Leslie Winklier was great. There's also Raj's childhood friend 
who prefers Sheldon. Not to mention Leonard's mother who has me in 

Penny sort of represents Middle America rather than any idiocy 
specifically of womankind, I thought. She had to be a woman, the geeks 
obviously wouldn't bother to interact with a 'corn-fed' bloke now would 

In the last series she was wailing that Leonard had spoiled her for 
going out with dumb men because she now knew perfectly well they 
couldn't blow up the moon by bouncing a laser off a reflector.

Nah, The Big Bang theory is innocent, guv! Penny is treated pretty 
respectfully and thoroughly counterbalanced by the geekiest and most 
independent women I've every seen on TV. The (affectionate) joke is on 
the geeky boys.


On 29/06/10 11:35, Jon Spriggs wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 11:29 AM, Alan Pope<alan at popey.com>  wrote:
>> On 29 June 2010 11:22, pmgazz<pmgazz at gmx.co.uk>  wrote:
>>> Well, it's not nearly as good as The Big Bang Theory but I do enjoy The IT
>>> Crowd. Bit silly but when was a Brit sitcom not silly?
>> I have a female friend who doesn't appreciate BBT having only one
>> female lead character who is portrayed as ditzy and clueless. I
>> suspect that marrs her enjoyment of the show.
> That's not strictly true - there was the other girl ("Leslie") in the
> first series who dated Leonard and hated Sheldon (played by Sara
> Gilbert)... but to be fair, she's only been in 8 episodes over 3
> years.
> --
> Jon "TheNiceGuy" Spriggs
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