[ubuntu-uk] Command line in Google Chrome

John Matthews jakewc2 at sky.com
Mon Jun 21 17:24:39 BST 2010

On 21/06/10 09:09, Jonathon Fernyhough wrote:
> On 21 June 2010 08:20, John Matthews<jakewc2 at sky.com>  wrote:
>> Its very basic at the moment, adn allows for improvement, but has any
>> body seen this. I actually added a calendar date into google calender,
>> via the terminal, and it worked, seems quite impressive.
>> http://code.google.com/p/googlecl/downloads/list
>> What do people think?
>> John
> It's not Chrome, it's a set of Python scripts which as far as I can
> tell interact with the various service APIs. It looks like making
> front-ends to the services very easy - and as such I approve!
> Plus it's also nice to be able to edit a Google Doc in [insert
> favourite text editor here].
> Jonathon

It seems that the powers that be with Chrome and Chromium consider its 
not needed any more.


Why do that, I miss the go button. Will anybody be doing an app to get 
it back, like there is in FF? Why is it the powers that be break things 
that dont need breaking.


Ubuntu User #30817

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