[ubuntu-uk] Dell Optiplex 740

Bruno Girin brunogirin at gmail.com
Sun Jun 20 23:06:19 BST 2010

On Sun, 2010-06-20 at 22:45 +0100, Barry Drake wrote:
> Hi there ....
> I'm going to try to upgrade my spare Dell Optiplex 740 from Windows to
> Ubuntu 10.04 for my daughter.  First question:  should I go for the 64
> bit iso?  (The machine has an AMD 64 processor).  Also, any thoughts
> from anyone who has experience of the Optiplex 740?

Has it got more than 4GB RAM? If yes, maybe. If not, use 32bit ISO.

The desktop 64bit ISO is still not quite as stable as the 32bit one
(especially for non-free stuff like Flash). Hopefully, as desktops with
more than 4GB RAM become more and more commonplace, the 64bit desktop
will start becoming the norm and bugs will get sorted, even in non-free


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