[ubuntu-uk] DLNA Server and media recommendations

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Fri Jun 18 10:36:37 BST 2010

On 18/06/10 10:16, Bruno Girin wrote:
> On Fri, 2010-06-18 at 08:18 +0100, Alan Lord (News) wrote:
>> On 17/06/10 21:09, Bruno Girin wrote:
>> <snip />
>>> You've got a handy comparison of DLNA servers here:
>>> http://www.rbgrn.net/content/21-how-to-choose-dlna-media-server-windows-mac-os-x-or-linux
>>> You could also have a look at Coherence:
>>> http://coherence.beebits.net/
>> Great, thanks for that Bruno!
>> Guess what I'll be doing this weekend ...
> Install them all one after the other, evaluate which one best suits your
> needs, write your thoughts down and share a blog post with the rest of
> us? ;-)

Oh man, that could take quite a while... I will take a look at a few of 
them though.

Have just been informed by my better half that this weekend I am 
required to dress as a mummy for the Frensham Fayre tomorrow (and 
probably carry a Pyramid), then in the evening we have a party to go to, 
then on Sunday I will be required to "do stuff" in the Garden...

Am now praying for rain.


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