[ubuntu-uk] Increasing start up problems since upgrade to 10.04

Bob Giles thecorfiot at gmail.com
Fri Jun 11 07:54:49 BST 2010

Hi gurus,

I am running 32bit Lucid on a Lenovo 3000 N200 laptop with 4Gb ram.

Following upgrading from the previous version I have had a few problems 
at startup. I will list them in the order which they manifested 
themselves. I am not suggesting that there is any connection between any 
of the 'symptoms' but who knows.

1. The first thing that I noticed was that before I get to the login 
splash screen that there was a considerable amount of 'noise' or 
'interference' on a black screen. (This also occurs when shutting down. 
I have tried all of the three proprietary Nvidia drivers with no 
success. (I can live with this and didn't get too excited ... at first.)

2. Recently, the system has been booting up and has loading a terminal 
window at start-up. The system is not configured to remember open 
programs when shutting down. I always close every running program at 

3. Today, the machine has started booting up without displaying the 
splash screen and goes straight into my login without any password.

Any clues as to what is going on in respect of any or all of the above 
will be gratefully received! Where should I be looking?


Bob Giles
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